Since Longevity Care Clinic is a private clinic, services must be paid for out-of-pocket at the time of your appointment. Please contact your benefits provider to see if your plan covers Nurse Practitioner services. If you want to seek reimbursement we would be happy to provide you itemized invoices that you can submit to your extended benefits.
Individual Appointments (In-person only)
$125 - 30 Minute Appointment
$190 - 45 Minute Appointment
Follow-up for Current Clients (Telephone or In-person)
$65 - 15 Minute Appointment
$125 - 30 Minute Appointment
$190 - 45 Minute Appointment
All prices are subject to applicable taxes (GST)
Individual Appointments
$125 - Preliminary Phone Consultation
$250 - Initial In-person Appointment
$125 - 3 Month Follow-up Appointment
Follow-up As Needed (See Follow-up for Current Clients)
All prices are subject to applicable taxes (GST)
Annual Medical Assessment
$125 - 30 Minute Appointment
Individual IV Therapy Session
Price varies based on ingredients used in treatment - 60-90 Minute Appointment (See below for fees)
$60 - SHAPE UP